Time to step away from the Japanese food thing, and what better way to do that than to review some... Korean food. I know, it's like pajamas and sweats.

韓楽 (kanraku) is a confused place. It also thinks it's name is チヂミ家 (chijimi-ya). Weird. It's a 2 story place that features a somewhat fast-food looking place on the first floor, this is チヂミ家, and a more typical Korean dining place on the 2nd floor, this is 韓楽. We went to the 2nd floor. It's owned/run by the same people, so what's it matter? To the review!
It was awesome! I'm pretty sure that I've never actually gone out to eat Korean food specifically but I will again now. The inside of the restaurant was adorned with posters of Korean heart-throbs, especially
Yon-sama. Especially because this is the only Korean heart-throb I know. Atmosphere takes a pretty big hit here, but it'll come back a bit later, stay tuned! We chose the place because mornin was wanting to eat some stuff called トッポキ (Toppoki (no translation because I don't know what korean foods' names are in english)). Here's Toppoki!

It's actually Toppoki and some other stuff: onions, porkish like substance, kimchi, something green and carrots. It was decently spicy enough. The Toppoki itself is kind of chewy and soft and made from rice I believe. The stuff was da bomb! it came to us for the down-low price of... actually I don't remember, but pretty much everything on the menu was reasonable. We also went with a tomato salad that had a super tasty sesame dressing (トマトサラダ) and some cheese chijimi (チーズチヂミ). Also got some egg soup (エッグスープ) which was just ok. The Salad was really good

oops, started eating it!
And the Chijimi was really, really good!

All-in-all things weren't as spicy as I was expecting (hoping for), but it was really good. There was one thing that was really spicy, check out those little peppers in the dipping sauce.

Yeah, those were spicy!
Oh, beer, I almost forgot! Well, when we went there I was still recovering a bit from being sick so I actually didn't have beer! The only place I've reviewed that had beer but I didn't drink it, sorry. But the prices were decent enough: draft (生ビール) 500円, bottle (瓶ビール) 550円, and some Korean beer called 'Hite' was going for 400円, but I think that was a small size (小), maybe glass?
Oh! Atmosphere! When we were leaving, the restaurant's "Mama" was just coming on shift and she chatted us up a bit. She's very friendly and sweet, but I felt rude because we were actually leaving... trying to leave at least. But she's a talker, she really liked me! Next time we'll have to go a little later to give her a better chance to compliment me some more :) They did get some points back for that, but Yon-sama... that's rough.
Total score: 50/70
mornin's view!韓国料理って,必ずといっていいほど肉や魚が入ってるのと,辛いのが苦手な私にはちょっと難しいんだけど,「トッポキ」が食べてみたかったのでトライ.トッポキって,円筒形のモチみたいなモノで,前からおいしそうだなーと思ってたのです.こういう「炭水化物のカタマリ」は結構どれも好き.おでんの「ちくわぶ」,すいとん,ほうとう,とか.で,トッポキですが,すごく美味しかったです.でもやっぱり辛~い(>_<); ただ,同時に甘みがあって,その「甘辛さ」がすごくイイ.きっと,辛いものが苦手じゃなかったらもっともっと美味しいんだろうな~と思いつつ,辛さに耐えながら食べました.ちょっとレビューとは関係ないけど,私はベジタリアンと言っても「えせベジタリアン」で,ダシとか味付けとかに入ってる肉・魚は気にしないことにしています.そうじゃないと,日本じゃ外食できない(^^; もともと,動物蛋白にちょっとアレルギーがあって肉・魚をやめただけなので,体調に影響ない範囲ならイイのです.でも,肉・魚を食べるのやめてから体調とか肌の調子とかすごくよくなったから,やっぱり私には動物蛋白は合わないんだと思う.