Right next to the Shinkansen tracks that run through Ontakesan, you'll find the
High Noon Cafe. The High Noon Cafe is a nice place that has a bit of a unique character, at least for around here. The restaurant mostly housed in an atrium that is set up in the front yard of a house. It actually has pretty cool atmosphere, and is entirely enclosed by glass. Although the view isn't so pretty, the restaurant has put up a bunch of faux historical looking signs around the glass enclosure to give it a bit of a T.G.I.Friday's/Chili's/Applebee's look to it. Inside there are 6 tables (5 of them are 4 seaters, 1 is a 2 seater) and it's for sure a nice place to hang out on a hot summer evening. They have a pretty decent TV that pretty much shows only sports programs. This weekend was the 2nd time that mornin and I showed up there, the first time being back in June ('08) for dinner (a surprisingly cold evening).
The food is awesome. Very high quality ingredients, prepared with what seems to be a high degree of skill, we've tried a few different things on our two trips there, a hot sandwich, pizza, something else (can't remember, and no pic), and some dessert.

The only thing to say negative is that the place is a little expensive. Compared to the price, it's reasonable enough. And the service is pretty quiet. There is one waitress who doesn't say much and is rarely around. Oh well, at least she's not all up in my biznazz!

Total score: 48/70
mornin's view!
雪谷近辺ではあまり見かけない、イイ感じの雰囲気のカフェです。閑静な住宅街の中に唐突に現れる・・・てゆうかこのお店もフツウの家の庭にあるんだけど。庭にガラスのプレハブみたいな小屋が作ってあって、そこに客席があるんです。キッチンは家の中にあって、料理はそこで作っているみたい。トイレも家の中にあるので、フツウに家の玄関から入って行くのが面白い(^^; 土地があったらこんな感じでお店やってみるのも楽しいかも!でも、それにしてはアットホームじゃない所が気になるんだけど。ウェイトレスさんがゼンゼン愛想ないし、キッチンが見えないから誰が作ってるのかわかんない。こうゆうお店だったら、フレンドリーなマスターが居て、また来たね!!みたいな感じがいいんだけどなぁ。。
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