Marukin Soba is another Japanese restaurant that exists here in Yukigaya, and serves many of the same kinds of food as
Hyoroku (ひょうろく) but exists on the other end of the spectrum in that it is not pretty. It's damn tasty though!
Since mustering up the courage to set foot inside this dark, tiny mom and pop joint smack dab in front of Yukigaya-Otsuka station on Miyuki Street (ミユキ通り), I've been back not once, not twice, but thrice! The first time I was there, I tried out the sesame sauce cold soba (ゴマだれざるそば).
Soba is something fiercely scrumptious, however it is almost always something that doesn't fill me up completely. It's not its fault. But the next time I went in, I wanted to try something else, and something else I did try! It's a little something I like to call heaven-like:
Marukin likes to call it the "Sukiyaki-don (すきやき丼)." Did I just do that right? Oh well... It's a bowl of rice topped with half boiled egg, cognac noodles, onions, beef, and a little tofu. Of course, I don't eat onions (allergy), but I don't mind the taste at all. Aside from that it's all gravy baby! The prices are pretty comparable to other restaurant of the ilk, most things range between 650-1100円 and beer is available for 580円. My Sukiyaki-don ran me 850円 and so did the ゴマだれざるそば(too long to write out in English).
If you're looking for a happening place on a Saturday night, look somewhere else. If you want to chow down on some real, delicious Japanese food for decent prices, and hang out with some old dudes dining alone (there are 4x4seat tables by the way (cramped)) you've come to the right place!
Total score: 58.5/70
mornin's view!こんにちは(^^)/ はじめましてmorninデス.とりあえず丸金そば(丸金ラーメンじゃないよ)から.このおそば屋さんがあるのはずっと前から知ってたんだけど,なんか入りづらい感じで,行ってなかったんです.立ち食いそば屋さんに女の子1人で入っていくような感じ??でも,雪谷大塚で行ったことないお店が少なくなってきたので,勇気を出して行ってみることにしました.中に入ると,私たち以外のお客さんはおじさんばかり,それも1人で来てて,新聞読みながらぼそぼそ食べてる・・・って感じで,・・・やっぱりちょっと引いた(^^;1回目は「きしめん」を食べたんだけど,昆布だしの上品な味で,すごくおいしいーぃ(*^-^*) とにかく,お店の見た目とのギャップが大きかった.あと,ベジタリアンでも食べられるメニューが多くていいです.美味しかったので,その後2回行って,2回目はわかめソバ,3回目は月見うどん(私はベジタリアンですが卵・ミルクOK)を食べましたがどれもおいしかったです.でも,やっぱり何度いっても居心地はちょっと・・・です(^^;
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